Jeff Plotkin: Coursework by Category


Cmpsci 12134.0Java and general intro to computer programming
Cmpsci 18744.0data structures and algorithms in Java
Cmpsci 20144.0assembly language programming and computer architecture
Cmpsci 28744.0programming language theories in scheme
Cmpsci 31143.3algorithms theory
Cmpsci 3203AuditIntroduction to software engineering
Cmpsci 37744.0systems in computer science with a focus on large scale, distributed and multi-threaded systems
Cmpsci 3833AuditIntroduction to artificial intelligence
Cmpsci 4453Auditintroduction to information systems
Math 55133.3scientific applications of numerical analysis 1
Math 55233.7scientific applications of numerical analysis 2


Cmpsci 20144.0assembly language programming and computer architecture
Cmpsci 3203AuditIntroduction to software engineering
Cmpsci 37744.0systems in computer science with a focus on large scale, distributed and multi-threaded systems
Cmpsci 4453Auditintroduction to information systems
Math 33134.0ordinary differential equations for scientists and engineers
Math 55133.3scientific applications of numerical analysis 1
Math 55233.7scientific applications of numerical analysis 2
Physics 151/243.2general physics 1 with lab, mechanics
Physics 153/443.9general physics 2 with lab, thermo and electromagnetic dynamics
Stat 51533.3probability theory


Cmpsci 25043.0introduction to the mathematics of computation
Cmpsci 3833AuditIntroduction to artificial intelligence
Cmpsci 4013Auditmachine models and compatibility
Math 10434.0algebra, analytic geometry and trigonometry
Math 13143.5deferential calculus
Math 13244.0integral and differential calculus
Math 23334.0multidimensional and vector calculus
Math 23533.3linear algebra
Math 33134.0ordinary differential equations for scientists and engineers
Math 55133.3scientific applications of numerical analysis 1
Math 55233.7scientific applications of numerical analysis 2
Phil 51433.0mathematical Logic and set theories for deriving all of mathematics
Stat 51533.3probability theory


Cmpsci 25043.0introduction to the mathematics of computation
Cmpsci 31143.3algorithms theory
Cmpsci 3833AuditIntroduction to artificial intelligence
Cmpsci 4013Auditmachine models and compatibility
Math 37034.0natural language processing paper (the whole course was one paper)
Phil 11034.0symbolic logic and natural language translation
Phil 31033.7"intermediate" Logic and natural language translation
Phil 51433.0mathematical Logic and set theories for deriving all of mathematics


Cmpsci 4013Auditmachine models and compatibility
Hist 15433.5America in the 1960's
Math 37034.0natural language processing paper (the whole course was one paper)
Phil 33634.0existential philosophy
Phil 51433.0mathematical Logic and set theories for deriving all of mathematics
Polisci 1013PassAmerican politics
Polisci 11133.5comparative politics
Writing 11234.0UMass required freshman writing course


Cmpsci 3203AuditIntroduction to software engineering
Hist 15433.5America in the 1960's
Latin 1266Passintensive elementary Latin I and II
Phil 16034.0introduction to ethics
Polisci 1013PassAmerican politics
Polisci 11133.5comparative politics
Sociology3Passintroduction to sociology


Business3Passintroduction to business information systems
Cmpsci 3203AuditIntroduction to software engineering


Biology6Passintroduction to biology
Physics 151/243.2general physics 1 with lab, mechanics
Physics 153/443.9general physics 2 with lab, thermo and electromagnetic dynamics


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